torstai 30. elokuuta 2012

First Blood


In a world where lazy, fat anusholes sit on their sofas watching shit like Big Brother, numbing their minuscule brains away... In a country where being a racist idiot is considered as the ultimate expression of the freedom of speech... In a town where most think Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga are the ultimate performers... In a neighborhood where everyone thinks writing a shitty blog no-one will ever read... Isn't it only natural the want the fight the system from within? To rebel? ...Aaaand, you've guessed it, write ANOTHER BLOODY METAL BLOG no-one will read :D Just to corrupt the system, just to be the final toilet bowl that will spill over so we can finally sink into our rightful scheisse...? Yeah, that sounds pretty nice :)
TSMEE! Look mommy, I know how to make the devil sign!

Can't get enough? You can also check some videos and audio tracks of my musical endeavours in the wonderland of metal from Mind though, you won't enjoy it... Unless you're a hideously perverted masochist (which is quite likely if you're still reading this).

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