perjantai 5. lokakuuta 2012

Has-beens and still-ares


"I'd rather die before I get old" - My Generation by The Who

Yep, it's a nasty thing to say... But Halford's voice ain't what it used to be. Or Ozzy's. Or Paul Stanley's. Or Bruce Dickinson's. Energetic rockers getting grey or bald... losing their sight or losing their attitude... Backs getting sore and bent... Still they keep doing what they do - which is kind of cool, but not always graceful.
... Or the scary Pilot? Or is this the newest Eddie painting?
The Iron-Lunged Rock Star...
Some people persist these people are metal legends, god-like unfaltering idols to be worshipped. For me, metal or rock in general was never about perfection - bum notes and bad gigs are part of what makes it interesting, exactly like missteps in bands direction or uninspired songwriting. No-one - I really mean - no-one should automatically be above criticism. Rock is all about honesty and openness. So, even if I think Powerslave or Painkiller are one of the best albums ever released, that does NOT automatically make me bow to The Final Front-rear or Nostr-ass-mus. It's a matter of taste, not life and death:)
... or Bald butt, a nice Stubble?
Bald Chin, but a Nice Stubble..
Yup, my approach is pretty nasty as everyone gets old. And the past albums are so good, it is very difficult for these bands (or any other??) to top those - or at least come decently close. But that's how rock and metal is... And for me, it's in many cases a question of energy. The faster you play the track, the better it sounds. I choose Slayer over Satriani, though if you talk about melody and style, I have no supporting arguments. Satriani is more skilled obviously and more melodic, but as a whole album length it gets boring. Slayer can be very monotonous too, but at least they have the energy and the fury. I like it, that's the difference. With Slayer, yeah Araya's vocals are getting weaker and more broken, but I think they still nail it with songs like Psychopathy Red or Unit 731. Morbid Angel really soiled themselves with their latest offering Illud In Anus, but that's a stylistical problem - they may some day still make a good death metal album. With Priest or Maiden it seems that they are trying hard to make great classic metal albums but they end up sounding like a bunch of retired old farts... Which in reality is more or less what they are.

Gene, take that make-up off! You're scaring the kids... wait, what? Errr... Gene, how about putting that make-up back on...
So no, I don't like their new albums. I much rather listen to they newest Skunk Anansie album than the newest Iron Maiden album. But, ain't it amazing how good those old, great metal albums still sound? I'd still much rather listen to them - that's the beauty of it. One great album lasts a lifetime - even if they are rarely released, each one retains its strength and vision. Black Sabbath's Master of Reality still sounds brilliant, even though there are nowadays a zillion faster and heavier bands out there. So, I appreciate some of these old, great groups (only the ones I personally like, so no Led Zeppelin for me or Mötley Crüe or - god forbid - Guns 'n' Asses).  Sabbath, Priest, Maiden - These old, pioneering bands made this all possible, they created the cornerstone albums for others to expand on, but they also taught me NOT to listen to the topten shit. If something is popular, it's not automatically good, it's more important to listen for yourself and if you don't like what you hear, you owe it to yourself to admit it.

So, rock on old geezers and grannies - But do it for yourselves, not for me. Oh yeah, and one thing... If you really believe your latest album is your best one (or at least in the top 5) why do you always, ALWAYS say it reminds in its style your most classic albums? If you really can't hear it is shit and have lost the skill of hearing, how come you still seem to be able to compare it to the albums that are generally considered great? Compare it to Asylum and Crazy Nights, Turbo and Point of Entry, X Factor and Virtual XI next time!

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